A Forum for Discussions among Voyagers and Others related to the 38th Voyage of the Charles W. Morgan
From: UNK
Date: 2015 May 14, 14:48 +0000
Hello all!
Yes, we are holding a 38th Voyagers Symposium and Reunion this Sunday, May 17. We have about 25 of you signed up to attend! For those that may have missed the RSVP, you are certainly welcome (and let me know here or via email at
katharine.mead@mysticseaport.org if you have questions). Here’s the brief agenda:
9 am: meet at the Morgan for some optional morning rigging climbing and whaleboat rowing
10am: start presentations in the Stephens Room (Stillman Building 3rd floor)
First updates from us at Mystic Seaport, followed by 5-minute presentations on completed or ongoing work from Voyagers
12:30pm: lunch and a tour of the under-construction “Voyaging in the Wake of the Whalers” exhibit in Stillman Building 1st floor, opening June 20
2pm: continuing Voyager presentations in Stephens Room
4pm: concluding on the Morgan with the demonstration squad’s “dogwatch” music and presentation. Group photo and mingling on the ship.
From: 38Talk@fer3.com [mailto:38Talk@fer3.com]
On Behalf Of Ardrey Manning
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 2:22 AM
To: Katharine Mead
Subject: [38Talk] Re: Voyagers gathering this weekend?
I'll be at the Seaport for PILOTS weekend and join the Reunion later in the morning. Is anyone staying to use the Special collections on Monday? I'd love to have company for dinner Sunday night.
Ardrey Manning
Sent from my iPad
On May 14, 2015, at 1:01 AM, Kate Sheridan <NoReply_Sheridan@fer3.com> wrote:
I will also be going to the Voyagers event!
-KateSent from my phone. Please excuse any autocorrect mishaps.
On May 13, 2015 9:42 PM, "Frank Reed" <NoReply_FrankReed@fer3.com> wrote:
Is there a "Voyagers" gathering happening on Sunday? I'll be at Mystic Seaport, but I'm teaching my "Easy Astro Photos" class both days at the Planetarium. If anyone wants to swing by and say 'hi'... I don't take a break for lunch when I work. :). Also there's still room in that class if you know anyone who might be interested. Details here: http://www.reednavigation.com/astro-photo-class/.
Frank Reed
PS: Here's the full moon ten days ago:
Attached File:
(full-moon-may-3-2015.jpg: Open and save)