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    Re: Voyagers gathering this weekend?
    From: UNK
    Date: 2015 May 14, 00:40 -0400

    I will also be going to the Voyagers event!

    Sent from my phone. Please excuse any autocorrect mishaps.

    On May 13, 2015 9:42 PM, "Frank Reed" <NoReply_FrankReed@fer3.com> wrote:

    Is there a "Voyagers" gathering happening on Sunday? I'll be at Mystic Seaport, but I'm teaching my "Easy Astro Photos" class both days at the Planetarium. If anyone wants to swing by and say 'hi'... I don't take a break for lunch when I work. :). Also there's still room in that class if you know anyone who might be interested. Details here: http://www.reednavigation.com/astro-photo-class/.

    Frank Reed

    PS: Here's the full moon ten days ago:

    Attached File:

    (full-moon-may-3-2015.jpg: Open and save)

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