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    Re: Any photos yet?
    From: UNK
    Date: 2014 Jul 5, 17:42 -0700

    I don't think it's possible. I know a little about the Mariner program at Mystic Seaport, but would like to know more. The Mariner Scouts at Mystic Seaport lived aboard the Joseph Conrad. MAny Mariner Scout programs also contracted with schooners to do multi-day sails - for instance, the famous Yankee did many Girl Scout Mariner cruises. The Conrad didn't sail with the Scouts, but perhaps they worked with a schooner that took them out.

    Here's a newsreel video showing some footage from a Mariner Scouts cruise - sadly unidentified as far as I can tell - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ7v7Fx_XQQ

    The Morgan was in her sand berth in the 50s, I believe. 

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