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    Admin: 38Talk details
    From: Frank Reed
    Date: 2014 Jun 25, 10:04 -0700

    Hello all,

    The 38Talk community seems to be working as planned, so far. Again, I apologize for not launching this sooner. I was waiting on a formal "go-ahead" and a list of email addresses, but it turns out that I had the required email info all along! In my first message, I mentioned that you would not receive any further 38Talk emails unless you signed up. Minutes after sending that, I decided that it made more sense to treat this as an "opt-out" group since we have all already opted in. So let me know if you prefer not to receive emails. Feel free to email me directly, fer@fer3.com, if you have any questions at all regarding 38Talk.

    If you haven't yet, I encourage you to visit the message boards at http://fer3.com/38Talk. That's the best way to edit and send messages, and there are tools to adjust your settings and also a bunch of links to Mystic Seaport's most important 38th Voyage web pages. Also, if you have any concerns that you may not be receiving all messages by email, thanks to over-aggressive spam filters and such, you can visit the message boards to double-check.

    PS: for those of you interested in navigation (celestial etc.), you may want to visit the NavList community, which I also manage. Many NavList members have been actively following the 38th Voyage, too.


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