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    Re: Photos & Videos
    From: Lisa Dolan
    Date: 2024 Apr 10, 03:48 -0700

    I will work on putting something together - and will look into those suggested platforms.  I don't think I have all that much stuff -but I have an idea for presentation of a video diary that we can all add to. 

    (I don't get back from my next adventure until 4/23 - not sure if I will have down time  - if you don't see something by April 30 have Vashra 

    if anyone wants to reach out and collaborate on it - esp someone with more tech skills than I.... 

    I know Frank and Mark are protective of everyone's privacy - but I give permission to share my email and phone # .... some of you already have it - but not the ones with the techno whiz kids (looking at you Triplett family!) 


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