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    Re: Photos & Videos
    From: Frank Reed
    Date: 2024 Apr 10, 06:29 -0700

    You wrote:
    "I give permission to share my email and phone #"

    Not in public messages though :). I won't do that under any circumstances except my own info. If any of you wish to share your email address with other members of the "Eclipse" community, please email me directly at x@fer3.com (my shortest email this time). Then I can send your address to others.

    Incidentally, for any of you, you don't really need any sharing services to share your photos, videos, etc. That's a standard capability of this group and service. If you're writing a message on the website for the "Eclipse" group at http://fer3.com/eclipse/, just tap "Add Images & Files". Then Browse to the files you're looking for. Your files upload and are automatically added to your message. On the other hand, if you're sending an "Eclipse" group message by email, to eclipse@fer3.com, just use your email software's normal "attach" function (often iconized by a "paperclip"-like symbol). Email attachments are automatically added, too.

    Frank Reed

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