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    Re: One last message...
    From: Vickie Mills
    Date: 2024 Apr 15, 13:50 +0000
    Thank you so much Frank.  Was a wonderful time!

    Vickie Mills

    On Sunday, April 14, 2024 at 09:06:31 AM EDT, Eclipse Group <eclipse@fer3.com> wrote:

    One last message...
    From: Frank Reed
    Date: 2024 Apr 14, 05:37 -0700

    Thanks again to all of you who joined us on Mark Coppinger's Eclipse Expedition. His very clever plan to hire a bus in Atlanta and travel to the best clear skies worked out beautifully!

    Fellow Connecticut planetarian, Elliot Severn, traveled to Caribou, Maine to watch the eclipse. He's an educator and a professional photographer with expertise in space flight and astrophotography, and he assembled a really excellent "multicam" video that captures both the visuals of the eclipse, which you will all remember from Illinois, and also the feeling of the experience.

    For those of you in Connecticut and nearby, I highly recommend the "Discovery Science Center and Planetarium". This is just one mile off the Merritt Parkway on the border between Bridgeport and Fairfield, Connecticut. This is now owned and operated by Sacred Heart University, but it is open to the public six days a week with convenient hours at a reasonable admission price. It's really an excellent museum, and the planetarium is a fantastic, top-notch system. Elliot Severn is the planetarium director and primary presenter there. If you visit, tell him I sent you. :)

    Frank Reed

    PS: A little plug for my upcoming celestial navigation workshops... Learn to find your latitude and longitude using the Sun and stars (GPS before GPS). My upcoming workshops at Mystic Seaport Museum in Mystic, Connecticut are listed on my website at https://ReedNavigation.com. Lots of astronomy, history, fun math, and a practical skill you can use if the satellites ever stop working. ;)

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