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    Eclipse day tomorrow: be ready at 6:45am
    From: Frank Reed
    Date: 2024 Apr 7, 15:48 -0700

    Everyone, please be ready outside your hotel tomorrow morning by 06:45 (just a reminder that's "Central" time, which is the local time on clocks here in Bowling Green). We may not get to you for 10 or 15 minutes, but please be ready. Look for the bus, and look for us waving!! We may ask you to cross a sidewalk or two so that we don't get tangled up in all the little turns in the hotel driveways, but don't cross until we wave. Don't run into traffic please. :)

    As for a destination, odds are two-thirds we will be in southern Illinois, one-third chance we will be in another state nearby. There won't be any more detail until tomorrow after we are on the road.

    Frank Reed

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