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    ADMIN: Eclipse group and notifications app
    From: Frank Reed
    Date: 2024 Mar 30, 12:11 -0400
    Hello everyone.

    First a quick apology: on Thursday, immediately after I announced the Eclipse group at
    and sent you all emails suggesting you should stop by and visit, the site crashed --completely unrelated, coincidental nuisance. Sorry if you saw that!!

    Posting ID code for the "Eclipse" group: If you post on the message boards at fer3.com/eclipse, you will need your "group posting ID". This is a simple pre-assigned, low-security password. You'll receive that code in a short email within an hour from now. You can also grab it from the "Tools" menu on the site. You don't necessarily need this code. You can post Eclipse messages without it, but if you want to change your email settings, etc., it's handy [you can always just email me to do that ...don't feel bound by the automation!].

    Pushover notifications app: This is tied to the Eclipse website and provides low-prioity notifications of group messages, but it also allows us to send more urgent, time-dependent notifications which could be critical during the eclipse expedition. For example, suppose we arrive at some location on the path of totality but an hour before the eclipse, clouds start moving in. We all jump on the bus and drive a short distance to escape. So we need a means of messaging you, "Bus leaving 5 minutes!!" or something similar. 

    Pushover app setup steps:
    • Create an account for each member of your party (each member who has a phone and might need to receive notifications) at https://pushover.net/
    • It won't cost you a dime! The app & service are free for 30 days! You do not need to pay anything. If you decide you have a use for the app or service after 30 days, I will add that it's cheap at $5 for a permanent license.
    • Grab the Pushover smartphone app for Android or iPhone. Links on the pushover website.
    • Login on the smartphone app with the account that you created earlier.
    • Sign up for our "Eclipse" group notifications feed here:
    • That's it. You'll receive occasional notifications through the app and in the next few days and up to ten per day next weekend, before eclipse day.
    Please let me know if you have any questions at all. You can reply directly to this message if you have a public comment. Or feel free to email me directly, clockworkmapping@gmail.com, if you prefer. Or phone me: 401-644-6012.

    Frank Reed
    Eclipse Expedition "Staff Astronomer" and "Facilitator" :)

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