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    Re: What were they thinking?
    From: Lu Abel
    Date: 2015 Feb 16, 13:47 -0800
    Detailed story in on-line edition of Latitude 38, a San Francisco boating magazine.   Apparently this father-son team were stoked by an overabundance of overconfidence.   As they put it, "we got plenty of food, plenty of booze, and plenty of safety gear."   No mention of "plenty of experience" or even "common sense"


    On 2/16/2015 10:36 AM, Bruce J. Pennino wrote:


    In the local Boston news this morning were pictures of a U.S. Coast Guard rescue 150 miles east of Cape Cod. Unbelievable storm and wave conditions when two Australians were in danger on a 43 ft sail boat. We've had very stormy extreme winter conditions for the past month. I have 5-6 ft snow drifts in my yard and I'm raking my roof every few days.  The sailors were on their way home. With all of the forecasts mostly right-on, and the weather more or less predictable.....we've had snow or wind or extreme conditions every 5-7 days,these sailors really put themselves and others at risk. Gotta rake my roof 10-15 more inches last night and minus 9° F when we awoke this AM. Boston and Worcester,MA have set many new weather records. About 90 inches of snow in Boston over past 3 weeks. Sorry, snow weather is off topic.



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