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    Re: What happened to the leap second?
    From: Robin Stuart
    Date: 2017 Jan 1, 07:19 -0800

    I have watched leap seconds on GPS units in the past but this time around was hoping to get a screen shot of the event. I went to the USNO site http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/simpletime.html just before 19:00 EST but no leap second appeared on the hour. The site is currently down! Next time I try time.gov which seems to do a better job as can be seen here.

    Do leap seconds make their way into the almanac? I don't have the Nautical Almanac for 2017 but checked the 2015 edition and between 30 June an 1 July for the hourly rate of advance of GHA of Aries. The leap second should cause a jump of 0.3' but I don't see any evidence for it. I guess that leap second announcements don't give enough lead time to meet NA production schedules. Is the leap second accounted for in the 2017 NA or are all fixes going to be off by a third of a mile this year?

    Happy New Year,

    Robin Stuart

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