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    Re: Venus mer-pass for Lat, Sun time sight for Lon.
    From: Antoine Couëtte
    Date: 2020 Apr 11, 15:56 -0700

    Hello Tony,

    Thanks for your reply.

    Your "Ha" values being already corrected for DIP effect, in order to update my computations and results all the heights which I previously processed need to be corrected by an amount equal to the inverse of DIP correction.

    I compute such DIP correction value as being equal to -3.8' .

    Therefore, to expeditiously update the VENUS LAN FIX with we can safely keep the same value for Longitude, and simply decrease the previously computed Latitude by 3.8' or 3.8 NM.

    Hence the updated VENUS LAN FIX now becomes [extremely close to] :  N60°10.5' and E029°45.8' .

    I accordingly computed again all 8 LOP's, again using my own Software. All updated results are in the enclosed REV1 Document. You will recognize that each difference between (Hg) AMC and Hdr (AMC), i.e. " Hg - Hdr " is equal to the respective intercept. This is in fact the exact definition of an "Intercept".

    When using the updated VENUS LAN FIX as DR position, and after having processed ALL VENUS + SUN observations weighted as per the Enclosed REV1 Document indications, Final Updated Fix now becomes N60°10.6' and E029°48.8'.

    Since your actual position is 60°10,3'N 29°48,5'E, the difference between both Fixes is 0.3 NM. Well Done, Tony !!!

    Again, Warmest congratulations.

    Best Friendly Regards,

    Antoine M. "Kermit" Couëtte

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