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    Re: USN Collision Yet Again
    From: Bill B
    Date: 2017 Aug 22, 18:34 -0400

    On 8/20/2017 9:28 PM, Scott Owen wrote:
    I did look it up on Google, and saw one comment regarding ROW. It stated
    that, unlike the the last collision, this ship was impacted on the port
    side so it was clearly a port/starboard situation. (That would not
    excuse the McCain for not taking evasive action.) At this point I have
    seen little or no navigation specifics or scenarios regarding the
    incident, only gruesome details on yet another tragic loss of life.
    Port/starboard? Hold on a second sea-lawyer wannabee breath! There
    appear to rules specific to the Straight and traffic separation routes
    (Rule 10). As a layman it is my impression that if you are crossing a
    TSS, other COLREG rules MAY be superseded, and and you must not
    interfere with the passage/safe passage of vessels in the lanes. Below
    is a URL for a safe-passage pamphlet PDF created for navigation in that
    As facts come out, would our current or former professional seamen
    please offer interpretations?

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