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    Re: Summer Solstice
    From: John D. Howard
    Date: 2016 Dec 23, 18:28 -0800

     David, Brad,

    The azimuth is easy Due North !

    If the sun is too high for a LAN the set the mirror for north ( or due south for us winter folk ) and use what is called a sine bar to set the tilt.

    A sine bar is used in machining to set very accurate angles.  A bar has two round prutrusions on the bottom set at an accurate distance appart ( usually 5 inches ) then each round is set upon a stack or block - two different heights - and the angle is known by the sine of the difference of the two heights.

    Using a micrometer the heights can be measured to 1/10000 inch.

    I have not done the math but I don't think a degree or two would make much difference.

    John H.

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