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    Re: Prose and Poetry and Navigation
    From: Francis Upchurch
    Date: 2016 Apr 27, 06:38 -0700

    Thanks Doug,

    I read the Outermost House (great  book)  about 10 years ago, but had forgotten that wonderful piece about the sun.

    I also like the more recent piece from our very own David Barrie, in his poetic book "Sextant" . The final paragraph is a beautiful song of praise for the miracle of it all.

    Being  a keen lunatic, I also like Slocum's famous hymn to the work of the lunarian as.

    "..beautifully edifying, and there is nothing in the realm of navigation that lifts one's heart up  more in adoration."

    Finally, Dava Sobel's "Longitude" is full of little gems. I like chapter 9 about the Hands on Heaven's clock. She beautifully compares the wonders of the clock of the heavens with the mechanical miracle of Harrison's H4, which appears almost to have squeezed a condensed version of the heavens into a tiny silver, ticking  box.

    Wonderful stuff.


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