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    Re: Old Sextant - Charles Hutchinson
    From: John Rizzuto
    Date: 2021 Jan 14, 15:40 +0000
    Hi Everyone,

    Yes, this is a vintage piece has intrinsic value. It is prized for those who collect them. It also appears to be complete which is so hard to find these days. Etsy, Ebay and Facebook Marketplace are the usual avenues for selling with the biggest audience. Also, I would not clean it. Leave the verdigris or patina as is. if the buyer wishes to refurbish, then it will be their issue. If you plan on trying to use it, I'd consider White's Nautical Instrument and have Ridge White take a look at it for a few bucks so that you can use it to shoot stars. 

    Ok here's my pitch for our NavList group. Please consider offering it to one of our members as we are Celestial Navigators  and would appreciate the instrument. I'm sure that one of us would giving it a new life and purpose.

    Great instrument!


    On Thursday, January 14, 2021, 10:17:59 AM EST, Bill Lionheart <noreply_lionheart@fer3.com> wrote:

    A colleague of mine has one of a similar age that he inherited. What would be the best way to go about cleaning the metal parts on
    such an instrument without harminging it?

    Bill Lionheart

    On Thu, 14 Jan 2021 at 03:16, David C <NoReply_DavidC@fer3.com> wrote:

    The sextant, the optics and the case appear to be identical to mine - photo attached. Mine was sold by Whyte Thomson & Co Glasgow. I purchased it from an ancient mariner in the early 1970s. I can still remember how he pronounced "horizon" as he showed me how to bring the sun down to the horizon. Somehere among my papers I probably still have a letter with his name on it.

    There is an identical sextant on display in the Wellington Museum (caution - google will take you to Te Papa which is not the Wellington Museum).  This is the reply I received when I contacted them

    "Thanks for contacting Wellington Museum.
    Our Whyte Thomson & Co sextant dates to 1946, so not particularly old. The company was in business for well over 125 years.
    Unfortunately we are unable to date them."

    Please do not throw it away!


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