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    Re: Occam's razor
    From: Robert Wyatt
    Date: 2014 Mar 19, 12:01 -0500

    Then there is this reasonable refutation of the "Startingly Simple
    Theory" which explains most of the problems:
    Lu Abel wrote:
    > Well spoken, Frank.
    > One item omitted from the Wired analysis is that the MH370 supposedly made 
    its left turn tens of minutes BEFORE the co-pilot's "good night" to ATC.   So 
    if there was a fire on the plane and the plane was turned towards the 
    airstrip, why was it not reported to ATC?
    >> ________________________________
    >> From: Frank Reed 
    >> To: luabel{at}ymail.com
    >> Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 11:46 PM
    >> Subject: [NavList] Re: Occam's razor
    >> ________________________________
    >> Nah, Norm. A well-written blog article is not a solution.. Good prose is 
    not good forensics. And labeling this a situation where Occam's razor is in 
    play... well, no.
    >> Everybody from 'yo mama' to Courtney Love (bless you both if it's the same 
    person!) has a theory on this thing, but the plane is still missing.
    >> -FER

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