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    Re: Navigation Modules
    From: Antoine Couëtte
    Date: 2018 Apr 29, 03:24 -0700

    RE : Navigation-Modules-Couëtte-apr-2018-g41906

    Hello again Alan,

    Reading more closely your initial post (Navigation-Modules-AlanS-apr-2018-g41905) I can see that I probably mis-interpreted it ...

    This HP41C [Marine] NAVIGATION PAC Module has probably become extremely difficult to locate and purchase.

    Your certainly can check on http://www.hpmuseum.org/ and/or ask onto http://www.hpmuseum.org/forum/ .

    The only way to use it if you do not have a physical copy of it and a physical HP41 would probably be through one of the HP-41 Emulators which are described on http://www.hpmuseum.org/.

    In my opinion, probably the most amazing, versatile and very best one is the HP41X one by HrastProgrammer (http://www.hrastprogrammer.com/hp41x/index.htm) . However it requires an HP49G, or an HP48GX with minimum 2 RAM CARDs (one 128K in Port 1 and one 256K in Port 2, both HP made RamCards having become outrageously expensive and extremely difficult to find ****), or probably also a HP50 (I have never checked). Such newer Handhelds run about twice as fast as the old HP41. The HP41X Emulator is not free: see again http://www.hrastprogrammer.com/hp41x/index.htm.

    You can also use the super fast MsDOS Emu41 Emulator by Jean-François Garnier (http://www.jeffcalc.hp41.eu/emu41/index.html). This one should be free (point subject to confirmation) and under "direct" MsDos it can run up to 800 to 1,000 times faster that a standard HP41. Under "emulated" MsDOS such as https://www.dosbox.com/download.php?main=1 it still runs @ 500 times faster than a real world HP41.

    The are other extremely reputable HP41 Emulators which are all extremely well documented on either http://www.hpmuseum.org or http://www.hpmuseum.org/forum/ which - as I said earlier - is an extremely elaborate and amazing forum on a technical standpoint.

    Hope it helps and

    Best Friendly CelNavian Regards,


    **** Also check https://www.hpcalc.org/ , or search for HP48GX Ramcards made by Oleg Rodionov which are excellent. I should be able to get you directly in touch with Oleg since we exchanged our last e-mails in January 2018.

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