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    Re: Mark IX sextant spare parts
    From: Hewitt Schlereth
    Date: 2022 Apr 17, 12:48 -0700
    I have two. One with averager. That one was working 3 years ago, but I have not looked at either one since. You're welcome to them for cost of shipping from La Jolla, California. 

    Best regards,

    On Apr 17, 2022, at 9:47 AM, Kenneth John Broomhead <NoReply_Broomhead@fer3.com> wrote:


    Bill Morris who has an interest in all things sextant and chronometer, has kindly provided me with your contact in my quest for spare parts. I have two Mark IX bubble sextants one an IX AM and the other a IX B. The bubble chamber and lighting is identical for both although the averager has a selection for one or two minute timing on the MK IXB. I would be most appreciative of some direction on my quest for spare parts for these. In particular bubble chamber, light globes and averager. The celestial bodies are no doubt where they are supposed to be but my position on earth no longer makes sense!.

    Kind Regards

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