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    Re: MH370 circle of position?
    From: UNK
    Date: 2014 Mar 24, 09:33 -0700

    MH370 Mystery

    what a Mystery. Really so incredibly bad for the relatives.
    My heart goes out to them.
    It Occurred to me that the following might be true:

    That apart from the first deviation from course,that could have been covered by an excuse or a reason - the whole flight could have been flown as normal except Rotated 180 deg! and at night maybe no one would notice or be unduly inquisitive.
    All course changes would have been seemingly correct for time and direction and even height.

    This might be a way to work out where the plane actually was planned to come down.

    Alan Trussell

    [Sent from the message boards by: RH103AL]
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