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    Re: Longest Straight Line Paths on Water or Land on the Earth
    From: Alexandre Eremenko
    Date: 2018 Apr 23, 20:21 +0000

    Without any algorithm, or complicated science it seems easy to guess that the 
    longest path on water will go
    from the North pole through the Bering strait to Antarctida.
    From: NavList@fer3.com [NavList@fer3.com] on behalf of Robert H. van Gent 
    Sent: Monday, April 23, 2018 3:01 PM
    To: eremenko@math.purdue.edu
    Subject: [NavList] Longest Straight Line Paths on Water or Land on the Earth
    Perhaps of interest
    Rohan Chabukswar & Kushal Mukherjee: Longest Straight Line Paths on Water or Land on the Earth
        There has been some interest recently in determining the longest distance 
    one can sail for on the earth without hitting land, as well as in the 
    converse problem of determining the longest distance one could drive for on 
    the earth without encountering a major body of water. In its basic form, this 
    is an optimisation problem, rendered chaotic by the presence of islands and 
    lakes, and indeed the fractal nature of the coasts. In this paper we present 
    a methodology for calculating the two paths using the branch-and-bound 
    Rob van Gent

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