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    Re: History of Twilight
    From: Sean C
    Date: 2014 Sep 21, 21:48 -0700

    Haven't read the twilight pdf yet, but Wikipedia has an interesting factoid about nautical twilight:

    Nautical twilight has military considerations as well. The initialisms BMNT (begin morning nautical twilight, i.e. nautical dawn) and EENT (end evening nautical twilight, i.e. nautical dusk) are used and considered when planning military operations. A military unit may treat BMNT and EENT with heightened security, e.g. by "standing to", in which everyone assumes a defensive position. This is partially due to tactics dating back to the French and Indian War (part of the Seven Years' War of 1756–1763), when combatants on both sides would launch attacks at nautical dawn or dusk.


    -Sean C.

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