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    Re: Henry Hughes Sextant (No. 5154)
    From: Fred Hebard
    Date: 2019 Jun 26, 20:23 -0400
    Jerry, Likewise!

    The first micrometer Hughes in my records had a certificate dated 2/15/30.  Micrometer based instruments dominated after that.  The last vernier instrument is dated 3/2/40.  It is recorded as "23833 vernier 1940 3/2/40 7" 3-circle, no instr error.”  Most “Mates” had a 6” arc radius.


    Fred Hebard

    On Jun 26, 2019, at 20:01, Hewitt Schlereth <NoReply_Schlereth@fer3.com> wrote:

    Jerry, Welcome aboard! 

    A thorough online cel nav course is given by StarPath, rrbased in Seattle WA. (NB - I was pone of their online instructors for 5 years but we've had no formal connection since 2013.)

    Francis and Bruce, thanks for the 'mention in  dispatches.'


    On May 29, 2019, at 3:16 PM, Michael Bradley <NoReply_Bradley@fer3.com> wrote:

    The 'drum micrometer' replaced the 'tangent screw with vernier' around the end of WW1, 1918, I believe.

    That dates the subject sextant, with its tangent screw,  probably before 1918.

    I have no specific knowledge of the type.

    Michael Bradley

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