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    Re: Glonass goes dark
    From: Greg Rudzinski
    Date: 2014 Apr 8, 20:01 -0700


    Nav satellites are in medium earth orbit. See link.


    Greg Rudzinski

    Re: Glonass goes dark
    From: Jackson McDonald
    Date: 2014 Apr 9, 02:38 +0000
    First, I was surprised by the following sentence in the article: "According to another source, a GLONASS fix could not take effect until each satellite in turn passed back over control stations in the Northern Hemisphere to be reset, thus taking nearly 12 hours."

    At the risk of displaying my ignorance, I had assumed that GLONASS, GPS, and other global positioning satellites were in geo-synchronous orbits. If so, they are fixed and don't pass over control stations at intervals. I profess no expertise in this area and would welcome clarifications and corrections from other, more knowledgeable members of this group.

    Second, given the recent tensions in East-West relations over Ukraine, one could logically ask whether the ephemeris data was intentionally corrupted in order to render the GLONASS system dysfunctional.

    Does the Russian military depend solely on GLONASS, or do they also use GPS?

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