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    Re: GPS jamming concerns
    From: Lu Abel
    Date: 2016 Aug 10, 01:43 +0000
    Actually, on the Delta Airlines computer shutdown, there's a bit of finger pointing but the official reason is a "power failure" due to "defective equipment."

    So I guess it depends on one's perspective -- is a failure in 100+ year-old technology "incomprehensible technology" or is it simply "somebody should have done a better job?"

    IMHO, the real challenge is anticipating all the different ways a system (whether "incomprehensible technology" or something as simple as a neighborhood street) can fail and then providing -- and testing! -- a workaround or backup strategy.

    Finding or anticipating all possible failure modes is why software testing is so incredibly difficult....

    From: Andrew Nikitin <NoReply_Nikitin@fer3.com>
    To: luabel@ymail.com
    Sent: Tuesday, August 9, 2016 6:28 PM
    Subject: [NavList] Re: GPS jamming concerns

    From: Brad Morris
    There are some other pearls, but these stand out
    Brad, the story was written in the 50-s and those were simpler times. Still, I find it surprisingly accurate description how civilisation becomes critically dependent on incomprehensible technology, of which GPS is a good example. Or, fresh from the press, Delta paralised by some mysterious, but no doubt technology related reason.

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