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    Re: Equinox Sun sights tomorrow
    From: David C
    Date: 2022 Mar 19, 21:12 -0700

    Frank wrote

    The equinox occurs tomorrow at 15:33:28 UT (for those near me, that's 11:33:28 Eastern US time). If the sky isn't too cloudy tomorrow, I'm going to try to get a Sun sight right at the time of the equinox. Anyone else in for the game?

    I would like o take part in the game and take a sunsight at the equinox. Please tell me how many years I must wait until my participation is possible.

    Details are:

    Lat 41S

    Long 175° E

    Sunrise  1821 UT

    Sunset   0632 UT

    An extra question is when will the equinox be at 0027 UT allowing me to take a noon sight at the equinix?

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