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    Re: Do you recognize this?
    From: David Pike
    Date: 2021 May 17, 01:35 -0700

    Doug Flaunt you wrote: I was given this today, dropped off at home by a friend.  But I'm not at home, so can't actually look at it.  I'm curious.

    It’s a  Kollsman periscopic bubble sextant Jim, but not as we know it.  Someone on the planet Zog has removed the clockwork averager and replaced it with a Zogian X-Box to enable electronic averaging.  It’s not clear at this stage if the innards are analogue or digital, but it certainly requires the additional power supply on the front.  The fact that it’s a bubble and not a pendulous reference sextant suggests it’s fairly old and probably analogue.  Comparison with the Smiths Kelvin Hughes immediate post WW2 series of electronic periscopic sextants, e.g., the RAF Mk1 might be in order.  10-1 Gary LaPook will be able to identify it exactly and tell us what the Zogian figures alongside the knobs on the top of the averager mean.  DaveP

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