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    Re: Can I Navigate Without an Assumed Position?
    From: Greg Rudzinski
    Date: 2017 Aug 24, 09:41 -0700

    Ahoy and welcome aboard NavList Calvin,

    You might want to begin your celestial navigation journey by reading a few of the classics by Joshua Slochum, Harry Pidgeon, Blondie Hasler, and John Letcher to name a few authors. Then move on to technical references to begin practical learning. The trig isn't that hard but there is a steep learning curve to mastering the process of sight reduction. If you can figure out how to surf the NavList archives then a wealth of celestial navigation knowledge awaits you.

    An assumed position isn't needed on a local apparent noon observation for Latitude or on UT (GMT) timed equal altitudes for Longitude. This is very old school celestial navigation. At some point you will want to graduate to the various sight reduction methods using an assumed position.

    It will be a wonderful trip for you no matter how far you go.

    Greg Rudzinski

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