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    CN Aspects of Chichester's Tasman Crossing
    From: Brian Walton
    Date: 2015 Nov 10, 07:18 -0800

      NavList Members,

        There have been many previous posts on NavList regarding Chichester's Gypsy Moth Tasman crossing and Bygrave slide rules.

         Over the past year I have carried out several short solo flights in a Stearman biplane to investigate three CN aspects of his crossing, namely, pre-calculation using a Bygrave style slide rule, taking sextant sights, and applying the results as if using a Landfall procedure.

         I am an experienced pilot and yachtsman, and have complied with local regulations and practices.  I have not attempted to do overwater drift and wind plotting, nor replicate the obvious extra difficulties of handling a float biplane with little financial or manual assistance over long overwater flights.

         Should any NavList members be interested, I am prepared to post short comments on recent practical experience of the 3 topics mentioned above. It would shorten replies if possible questioners were familiar with web articles on Chichester's Tasman flights, and Landfall procedures.

    Brian Walton

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