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    Re: Bill Morris' MHR1 reproduction
    From: Francis Upchurch
    Date: 2021 Jun 13, 04:02 +0100
    Greetings from occasionally sunny Cornwall. I am 8 miles from the G7 summit and therefore President Biden is temporarily my neighbour!  Let's hope he does good work there.
    Delighted to read of continued interest in Byraves and similar German .versions.
    I built several Byrave replicas about 10+ years ago using very basic methods. Disabling chronic illness prevents anymore building projects, but I can still just about manage a sextant sight and the Bygrave. My favourite Byrave moment was in 2014 when Gary La Pook and I did a Byrave re-enactment of the famous Chichester flight across the Tasman sea. We basically reworked the data from his chart and Frank's Web site to work out where the sun was back then and much to my amazement, got exactly the same results with our different Bygraves. (Thanks again Gary, if you still remember it?). One thing that has always surprised me about that incredibly dangerous flight was why he did not choose a time when the moon was up and handy. Surely a few sun/moon fixes would have been a lot more reliable and less stressful than 6 hours of dead reckoning and recomputed sun only altitudes? Maybe I'm missing something. 
    After a few crazy years let's hope for a better future.
    Best wishes

    File: 150673.sliderulebuild111113.docx
    File: 150673.126747.chart-to-lord-howe-typed-annotated.pdf
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