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    Azimuth Diagram Hanno Ix
    From: Herman Dekker
    Date: 2015 Sep 5, 13:26 -0700

    Can some explain.

    What are the rules for using the diagram determing Azimuth, when using the HavSinDoniol method.

    I:The diagramscales go to 90°. So what to do for LHA:

    0-90° use the scale

    91-180°  ?

    181-270° ?

    271-360° ?

    II:Then when found Z this gives value between 0 and 90°.

    Some times added to 180° sometimes distrated from 180°

    I have read the rule Z E/W as name of t ?????  t= LHA and is between 0 and 360° so, I do not see + or - on this.

    Z N/S by observation, but what is to do, with one example from a textbook. Is there a rule for?

    I think myself on something as: Declination Object  > Latitude Observer = N 0°    Declination Object < Latitude Observer = S 180°

    or is that wrong?

    I like written rules on the diagram, because I can difficult remember them If needed.


    Herman Dekker

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