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    Re: An instant value vs an integrated one?
    From: Frank Reed
    Date: 2021 Oct 10, 09:47 -0700

    Tony, you asked:
    "could you please include such an option?"

    You're too small a market. :) :) :)

    But I can suggest a procedure that would work at the level of accuracy of a bubble sextant. Set the delay in the app to zero. Ten seconds before you start your sight run, pause the display and quickly grab a screenshot of the display. Do your two-minute run (or however long you wish). Then ten seconds after the end of your run, pause the display again and take another screenshot of the display. The second screenshot is not entirely necessary, but it may prove useful for double-checking your work. The simple average of the two displayed altitudes will be almost identical to the true average through the whole run. A ten-second count is not difficult to do with good accuracy in your head, but you could always have a separate display or an analog watch to follow seconds. There are easy ways and less easy ways to grab screenshots on different devices. On an Android phone, main button + volume down pressed simultaneously works well, and with a little practice it will not disturb your countdown.

    Frank Reed

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