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    Re: ADMIN: NavList Operations Contributions
    From: Bruce J. Pennino
    Date: 2019 Feb 13, 11:43 -0500
    Hi: Are you still at PO Box 191 Jamestown, RI 02835? Sorry, I use snail mail. Happy to learn your Bean town classes have sold out! Regards, Bruce
    From: Frank Reed
    Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2019 11:31 AM
    Subject: [NavList] Re: ADMIN: NavList Operations Contributions

    Thank you very much to those who contributed already!

    Based on contributions so far, my time is being valued at about $3.30 an hour. I budget for $10 an hour --a bargain-- but we're not there yet. I'll need to see more in the next week.

    Reminder: It's that time again. Please, if you are able, contribute to NavList Operations:

    Operations contributions cover actual costs like domain registration and especially hosting for the website and message archive which now has several gigabytes of files on it (it's cheap to carry around a few gigs in your pocket, but online it's still expensive for fast-access web hosting). Contributions also cover the work I do on the site infrastructure. I work about half an hour daily, every day, on NavList management, coding, and other development, including the NavList Twitter feed. This website, fer3.com, is devoted 98% to NavList activities and archives.

    Frank Reed

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