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    Re: 7x12 inch tri-folds good for charts?
    From: Tom Sult
    Date: 2014 Sep 30, 20:23 -0500
    Can't disagree but as a practical matter most small yachts I've been on have rolled charts due to space. 

    Tom Sult
    Sent from my iPhone

    On Sep 30, 2014, at 20:11, Bill Morris <NoReply_Morris@fer3.com> wrote:

    Hear also what Captain Lecky had to say:

    "Charts should invariably be kept on their flats, ready for the ruler to slide over them, instead of being rolled up, and folding them should be avoided if possible. Rolled paper is an abomination at all times -

    'It will and it won't,

    It can't and it don't;'

    and if you lose your temper, you tear it and so make bad worse. Every vessel, therefore, should be provided with shallow chart drawers, say 3ft. 9 in. long, by 2 ft. wide and 4 in. deep. The sheets can then be numbered and classified, and so are ready for use at a moment's notice."


    Bill Morris


    New Zealand

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