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    Re: 2102-D star finder or other?
    From: Greg Rudzinski
    Date: 2015 May 24, 09:34 -0700


    In addition to a 2101-D and Nautical Almanac you can use a vol. 1 Pub 249 to select stars (an old vol. 1 will work for this purpose). Enter with assumed latitude and the local hour angle of Aries for the expected time of civil and or nautical twilight. Sketch out the azimuth and Hc of the stars relative to the bow to facilitate taking a round of stars when underway. Stars are not visible without optics during early twilight so presetting will be necessary.

    Greg Rudzinski

    From: Samuel L
    Date: 2015 May 23, 14:23 -0700

    What would you recommend as a non-electronic gadget to help identify stars? The Rude or Weems 2102-D or something else?


    Sam L.

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