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    Re: Voyagers gathering this weekend?
    From: UNK
    Date: 2015 May 16, 09:36 -0400
    Hello Elyssa et al, 

    I have prior commitments (working on a public art project in Salem based in tradit tattooing) but hope everyone has a pleasant day tomorrow. Also I am traveling this week, but will be submitting completed artwork to Mystic in the beginning of June. 

    Elizabeth James Perry 

    Sent from my iPhone

    On May 16, 2015, at 9:32 AM, Elysa Engelman <NoReply_Engelman@fer3.com> wrote:

    Hello Joe!

    I can answer your second question.

    You can find the most complete list of all the Morgan's historic crews from Voyages 1-37 here:


    Click "Voyage" in red to have the names arranged by voyage.

    We're creating a touchscreen version of this database for the upcoming "Voyaging in the Wake of the Whalers" exhibit, so museum visitors can search by name, birthplace, place of residence, and year.

    We'll miss you tomorrow but best of luck with your new production --


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