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    Re: Visibility with whaleboats on davits
    From: UNK
    Date: 2014 Jun 26, 09:11 -0400
    Hi Stephanie
    I was on the Martha's Vineyard to New Bedford leg.  There is plenty if space between the deck and the whales to photograph through.  I did sit in the whaleboat briefly while under sail only because I was going aloft.  The crew went into them to take the plugs in or out. When docking crew did take the starboard side whaleboats down.  I hope this helps.
    All the best,

    Sent from my iPhone

    On Jun 24, 2014, at 12:22 PM, "Stephanie M" <NoReply_StephanieM@fer3.com> wrote:


    I hope you'll pardon me for jumping in here. Though I myself am not a "38th Voyager", a good friend is part of the team, and we were talking about the whaleboats on the davits. For photography, do they impair the view from the deck significantly? Obviously the Morgan was a working ship a hundred fifty years ago, and the view was not a factor except maybe in piloting waters, entering harbors and all that. Would lookouts have climbed up into the boats when entering harbor during the Morgan's whaling career? And on the 38th Voyage, will crew and voyagers clamber up into the boats while the Morgan is under sail? Or is that considered too dangerous?

    Stephanie M.

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