A Forum for Discussions among Voyagers and Others related to the 38th Voyage of the Charles W. Morgan
Re: Still working on Voyager Project?
From: UNK
Date: 2015 Jan 03, 08:14 +1100
From: UNK
Date: 2015 Jan 03, 08:14 +1100
I'm still working on mine too - I think it was 12 months from the voyage!
Sent from my iPad
Dr Lesley Walker
Heritage Consultant
+44 (0)7748500933
Tug "Tommy Lee" 1938
How many of us have not gotten around to completing our Voyager projects? I'm caught between "just get it done" and "make it something significant". Has anyone heard "from authority" at Mystic Seaport if we have a drop-dead deadline for projects? Is there any collection being published or exhibit being planned that requires (or simply benefits from) our Voyager projects by a certain date?
Meanwhile, from one of my classes this past fall, here's a map (attached, below) of the 22nd voyage of the CWM for your viewing pleasure.
Frank Reed
ReedNavigation.com / HistoricalAtlas.com
Conanicut Island USA
Attached File:
(cwm-1896-97-mod.png: Open and save)