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    Re: Still working on Voyager Project?
    From: UNK
    Date: 2015 Jan 2, 13:34 -0500
    I'm another "hope to complete it January to March" person. The fall was just too busy. I may still need pictures from the Seaport. I took a lot during Fall PILOTS weekend but not all were good enough to use. Glad to hear I'm not the only one. Yes, I also heard, "one year from voyage" due date. When I spoke with Katherine in the fall she wanted to have an exhibit of all the work but didn't give any date. Hope this helps. 

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    On Jan 2, 2015, at 13:01, Michelle Moon <NoReply_MichelleMoon@fer3.com> wrote:

    I had heard there was a desire for people to complete projects within the year after the Voyage, but that may have been just one person's thoughts. Personally, I have not completed mine but I had always slated my window to work on it as January/February, so I am still on schedule!

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