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    Stellwagen Day 2: Lots of whales
    From: Frank Reed
    Date: 2014 Jul 13, 07:13 -0700

    Check out the video from yesterday. Whales close to the ship, feeding and breaching. Looks like fun! By the way, it's interesting to me that both Stellwagen sails so far have spent their sailing time just five or six nautical miles north of the Cape. I'm not sure that we were even within the official boundaries of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary. Fortinately the whales do not know the boundaries either.

    The Morgan is currently on a third sailing day from Provincetown, not in the original voyage plan. From the AIS it appears that they're sailing much further southwest into Cape Cod Bay before (presumably) heading north to the whale-watching grounds.

    Frank Reed
    Conanicut Island USA


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