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    Re: Some photos from the SSV Corwith Cramer Trans-Atlantic crossing
    From: UNK
    Date: 2014 Dec 27, 13:24 -0500
    This is so fantastic, Ger! Thank you so much for the update! 

    Pardon my probably clumsy message, but I'm on my phone (old-fashioned perhaps, but my family doesn't have wifi at the house where I am for the holidays! So, no computer). 

    I assume you've heard from Katharine about doing a talk about immigrant/foreign experiences and the Voyage in January?! I just need to get time approved to be off work, but I'm in!

    Let's catch up soon!


    Cristina J. Baptista, Ph.D
    Writer/Poet & American Literature Teacher

    Sent from my iPhone

    On Dec 26, 2014, at 1:56 PM, Ger Tysk <NoReply_GerTysk@fer3.com> wrote:

    Happy Holidays, Voyagers!

    I just got home from a 6-week trans-Atlantic voyage from the Canary Islands to the Caribbean with the Sea Education Association (Woods Hole, MA) aboard the SSV Corwith Cramer. We left Gran Canaria on November 15 and arrived in St. Croix, US Virgin Islands, on December 23. Our captain was none other than Sean Bercaw, who you might remember as the 2nd mate on the Morgan. I have some photos up in an album from flickr and will be adding many more!


    I was aboard the Cramer in a newly created position of "voyager," which meant that I deckhanded and stood watch, but was not a student or hired crew. Tyler Putman and Matt Porter, two others who sailed aboard the Morgan this summer, came along as well. I'm currently working on a photo essay about the voyage and hope to submit it somewhere to be published. I've never attempted to submit to a magazine before and am not quite sure which publications would welcome such an article. If anyone has suggestions or recommendations I would welcome them :)

    It's a bit strange being back on land after 6 weeks on the open ocean, but I'm enjoying clean laundry and sleeping in a real bed again. I hope your holiday season is going wonderfully, and happy new year!

    Ger Tysk
    (New Bedford to Mass Maritime leg)

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