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    Nautical Comics!
    From: UNK
    Date: 2015 Aug 10, 20:21 +0000
    Hello, Voyager Friends,

    I'm a bit remiss in not writing to you about this sooner, but I wanted to let you all know that I'm closing in on the final hours of my Kickstarter campaign to print a book of sailing comics about my pre-Morgan days aboard the Lady Washington. The campaign is far overfunded, which means the book is definitely getting made in style, but there's still time to snag a copy before the end of the ride.

    The content in the book—mostly educational, autobiographical stories from my time at sea—is likely to be of interest to those of you who enjoyed Down to the Seas Again, the comic I produced after sailing with the Morgan out of Provincetown.

    I've attached the cover of the book, which will be about 100, full-color pages, and you can pre-order copies through the campaign here.

    I hope this finds you all thriving!

    Fair winds and following seas,



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