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    Re: My book is finally on Amazon
    From: UNK
    Date: 2015 Sep 09, 08:47 +0100
    Hi Ger 

    My book has arrived in UK and I just wanted to say thank you - it is beautiful and I am going to enjoy reading it at more leisure. Great to revisit my journey on the Morgan too from Vineyard Haven to New Bedford 

    Best wishes

    Dr Lesley Walker
    Heritage Consultant
    +44 (0)7748500933
    Tug "Tommy Lee" 1938

    Sent from my iPad

    On 2 Sep 2015, at 20:32, Ger Tysk <NoReply_GerTysk@fer3.com> wrote:

    Hey Voyagers!

    Once again, thanks for all of your awesome support in getting my Voyager project published on Kickstarter. All the books have been mailed out and I have been getting really cool photos of people getting their books in the mail (international orders will take some time, unfortunately, but I promise they are in the mail!)

    I wanted to let people know that the book is now available to buy on Amazon in softcover edition through Blurb.com, the company I used to print the book. You can order via Amazon here:

    If you'd like just a digital copy, you can also order the PDF copy directly on Blurb:

    Enjoy, and I just wanted to say how amazing it is that the Voyage is one year old and we're still putting out so much cool stuff! I'm really excited about everything you all have made or are making :)


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