38Talk is an online community designed to facilitate discussions among "38 Voyagers" and others regarding the 38th Voyage of the Charles W. Morgan. All reasonably on-topic comments and questions are welcome from seasickness cures to video tech and logistical details to nautical history and marine science.
To post a message, if you are already signed up as a 38Talk member, start a new discussion or reply to any posted message and use your posting code (this is a simple low-security password assigned when you join). You may also join by posting. Your first on-topic messsage automatically makes you a member, and a posting code will be assigned and emailed to you for future posts.
Uniquely, 38Talk also permits full interaction entirely by email. You can optionally receive each posts or daily digests by email, and any member can post messages by email (bypassing the web site) by sending to our posting address which is "38Talk@fer3.com". This functionality is similar to a traditional Internet mailing list: post by email, read by email, reply by email. Most members will prefer the web interface for posting and replying to messages here.
© Copyright notice: please note that the rights to all messages and posts in this discussion group are held by their respective authors. No messages or text or images extracted from messages may be reproduced without the explicit consent of the message author. This web site and service has been created by Frank Reed, a 38th Voyager (Stellwagen, day 1). Email me if you have any questions.