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    Re: Memorabilia
    From: UNK
    Date: 2014 Jul 06, 21:17 -0400
    I'm sailing on the New Bedford to Mass Maritime leg (schedule for tomorrow but now pushed back to Tuesday) and am bringing my copy of the Moby-Dick card game - it was a Kickstarter game about half a year ago that some of you might remember. If any of my fellow voyagers would like to play I think we can get at least one good game in ")


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    -------- Original message --------
    From: Peter Whittemore
    Date:07/06/2014 7:36 PM (GMT-05:00)
    To: ger.tysk@gmail.com
    Subject: [38Talk] Re: Memorabilia

    By all means bring the copy aboard.  I bought and donated a Rockwell Kent "junior" edition for the boat's library and Mystic's collection and I got those aboard to sign it, as I hope you next voyagers will also.  add a sheet of paper if nec.   Peter W.

    From: NoReply_French@fer3.com
    To: peterwhittemore@hotmail.com
    Date: Sun, 6 Jul 2014 15:51:09 -0700
    Subject: [38Talk] Memorabilia

    Has anyone else been tempted to take things on board, to commemorate the voyage? Postage stamps to the moon and back, flags from the summit of Everest.. I once had the plan to bring home vials of water from every body of water I visited, and I still have the habit of bringing home small bits of animal bones found in the hills nearby the astronomical observatories around the world where I've carried out observations. There is something about having a tangible piece of 'there' back here. Photographs, sketches, and memories all help, of course! So far, all I've come up with is to take my favorite copy of Moby Dick - not very original!

    I'm curious to know if I'm alone, or if others have felt the same way about this trip. 


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