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    Re: FW: Morgan Letter
    From: UNK
    Date: 2014 Jul 5, 22:10 -0400
    Matthew ....Thanks for noting the letter got in the Times.  Maybe with a picture of the boat tacking in Buzzard's Bay....?    Peter W.

    From: NoReply_Bullard@fer3.com
    To: peterwhittemore@hotmail.com
    Date: Sat, 5 Jul 2014 17:41:14 -0700
    Subject: [38Talk] Re: FW: Morgan Letter

    Thank you, John.  Peter's piece was finally published in the Standard
    Times just the other day.
    Matthew Bullard
    On Sat, Jul 5, 2014 at 2:49 PM, John Bryant  wrote:
    > I enjoyed Peter's and Matthew's pieces.
    > John Bryant, Professor of English
    > Founding Editor, Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies
    > Consulting Editor, The Melville Society, http://melvillesociety.org/
    > Director, Melville Electronic Library
    > Director, Hofstra Digital Research Center
    > Mason 204, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY 11549; Tel: 516.463.5470
    > ________________________________
    > From: 38Talk@fer3.com  on behalf of Veronica Lawlor
    > Sent: Monday, June 30, 2014 10:16 AM
    > To: John L. Bryant
    > Subject: [38Talk] Re: FW: Morgan Letter
    > It definitely was!
    > On Sat, Jun 28, 2014 at 2:21 PM, Peter Whittemore
    >  wrote:
    >> Thanks Veronica,  hope the inspiration was colorful.    Peter G W
    >> ________________________________
    >> From: NoReply_Lawlor@fer3.com
    >> To: peterwhittemore---.com
    >> Date: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 10:31:15 -0700
    >> Subject: [38Talk] Re: FW: Morgan Letter
    >> Hello Peter,
    >> Your letter is beautiful, thank you for sharing it. I am here at New
    >> Bedford today with some of the artists from Dalvero Academy, and I read your
    >> letter to them this morning as inspiration before our day of drawing the
    >> ship.
    >> Best,
    >> Veronica
    >> Sent from my iPhone
    >> On Jun 27, 2014, at 7:01 PM, "Peter Whittemore"
    >>  wrote:
    >> This is the letter I sent last night for the New Bedford Standard-Times
    >> "letters to the editor" column, or maybe even a guest editorial column (with
    >> pictures of the boat?)  Steve Urbon passed it on to the top editor today  so
    >> I hope it shows up in the weekend edition, for all of our benefit.     Peter
    >> Whittemore
    >> ________________________________
    >> From: peterwhittemore---.com
    >> To: peterwhittemore---.com; surbon{at}s-t.com
    >> Subject: FW: Morgan
    >> Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 23:25:53 -0400
    >> ________________________________
    >> From: peterwhittemore---.com
    >> To: peterwhittemore---.com
    >> Subject: Morgan
    >> Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 15:09:11 -0400
    >>      A top-gallant salute to the Port of New Bedford, Mayor Mitchell, to
    >> the Captain, crew, craftsmen and staff of Mystic Seaport, and to anyone who
    >> has ever dreamt of the one of a kind voyage we have just been privileged to
    >> experience sailing on the Charles W. Morgan whaleship from Vineyard Haven
    >> back home to New Bedford Harbor.
    >>      I am the great-great-grandson of Herman Melville, author of "Moby
    >> Dick".  He left this port, which in the 1840's was the richest city in the
    >> world, on the whaleship Acushnet like many a young man, going out to find
    >> work in the energy sector, as they do today in the shale oil fields of the
    >> Dakotas.  It has been the thrill of a lifetime to be among the crew sailing
    >> into this port, blood coursing in our veins like the singing of the rigging,
    >> with the joy of the creation filling our souls like the wind in the sails.
    >> We did not catch sight of the great White Whale, but believe me, he's still
    >> out there.
    >>       Melville sailed in 1841, just four months before the Chas W Morgan
    >> was launched.  One might say the Acushnet of New Bedford launched the novel
    >> Moby Dick and the Morgan has given me an opportunity to return the story to
    >> its source on a "sister" ship.  I left New Bedford Tuesday evening on the
    >> SeaStreak, going to Martha's Vineyard at twenty-six knots and returned the
    >> next day, some 173 years earlier, so to speak, at an exhilarating six knots
    >> under eight square sails.  There were many descendants of former captains,
    >> crew and owners aboard and we all agreed the ancestors were smiling down on
    >> us all the way into port
    >>      You might think this a great opportunity for one of the family to
    >> plug the book Moby Dick as if we ever made a dime on your copy purchase.
    >> The book sold 800 copies in Melville's lifetime, and was so panned by the
    >> critics of the day that the copyright ran out never to be renewed.
    >> So please all of you from high school kids to ancient mariners who read
    >> Melville's epic, and who should be grateful for such open-source adventure
    >> and wisdom, read it twice at least and read it in your later years when the
    >> depth of the ocean and the depth of your soul is so much richer.  And if
    >> you've gained value from the journey, please send that dime and then some to
    >> the New Bedford Whaling Museum, and to the Berkshire Historical Society's
    >> home at Arrowhead, in Pittsfield Mass where Moby Dick was written, and to
    >> the great people of Mystic Seaport whose hard work, with blisters and
    >> splinters to show for it, brought this great day to the Seven Seas. Please
    >> support these efforts to keep the literature and the sea alive.
    >>      Oh Lord this madness and thy mysteries are so great and my brain is
    >> so small.  Give me the words of my ancestors that I might make us all see
    >> that Melville's novel "Moby Dick" walks these docks as we speak, day and
    >> night, walks the cobblestone streets of New Bedford and Nantucket and walks
    >> the halls of Wall Street and the corridors of Congress, calling us like
    >> Elijah the Prophet and Ishmael the Beholder, and Father Mapple in his sermon
    >> on Jonah, calling us to speak the truth to falsity.  We need not speak the
    >> truth to power because truth is the ultimate power, but we must speak the
    >> truth to falsity as we see the oceans fill with plastic and pollution, as we
    >> see whale fishing continue beyond any reason, and as we witness industrial
    >> enterprise crushing the American soul once so joyous in its freedoms.  Moby
    >> Dick still plies these waters calling us to wake up and smell the seaweed,
    >> breathe in the beauty and to step up and act to sustain our Earth.
    >>       Thank you Mystic Seaport, crew of the Charles W. Morgan and to those
    >> who love the sea and the life it has given us all. Thanks for showing us
    >> that we can rebuild and rededicate ourselves to a revival of the American
    >> spirit in view of a sustainable future for the seas that continue to feed
    >> the world.
    >> Peter Gansevoort Whittemore
    >> Cohasset MA
    >> 1-781-383-6568
    >> View and reply to this message
    >> View and reply to this message
    >> View and reply to this message
    > --
    > Veronica Lawlor
    > Studio 1482
    > 917-449-9425
    > veronica{at}studio1482.com
    > www.studio1482.com/#veronica
    > www.veronicalawlor.com
    > View and reply to this message
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