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    Re: Boston Globe Story about family link to Morgan
    From: UNK
    Date: 2014 Jul 21, 20:26 -0500

    Michelle: Thanks for this article. As one whose research focuses on black 
    mariners I really appreciated this piece.
    Charlie Foy
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Michelle Moon" 
    To: crfoy@eiu.edu
    Sent: Monday, July 21, 2014 2:56:08 PM
    Subject: [38Talk] Boston Globe Story about family link to Morgan
    Didn't want anyone to miss this terrific story. I volunteered on the Morgan 
    Saturday while this family stood and talked - their conversation was so very 
    interesting I wished I could just jump in. But the story is even more 
    fascinating - a great glimpse into one of the many lives touched deeply by 
    the whaling industry and the Morgan in particular.

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