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    Re: Azores & John Manjiro book
    From: UNK
    Date: 2015 May 8, 12:35 -0400
    Thank you Frank, Susan, Lesley, and everyone else who has pledged! I'm 95% funded, with only $168 to go, which is amazingly exciting. There are still 7 days left to pledge, so if you haven't pledged, you have time to chip in for a book even after the project is 100% funded. I'll have a few new photos from my upcoming final book draft this afternoon, and I posted another update yesterday with more photos.

    As always, I'm so glad to be a part of the Voyager community and hope to see many of you at the reunion on the 17th.

    Lesley, have a wonderful time in the Azores. I've never been there, but I am very jealous of your upcoming whale adventures.


    2015-05-08 7:01 GMT-04:00 Lesley Walker <NoReply_Walker@fer3.com>:
    I have pledged too. Looks wonderful. 

    A second thing - I am off to the Azores this morning ex UK. Flying to Terceira then sailing on a friend's yacht - we will hopefully get to Horta and Faial as well. I am hoping to see whales! If anyone has any tips for Azores etc please email me! 

    Sorry I will miss 17th May
    Best wishes

    Dr Lesley Walker
    Heritage Consultant

    Sent from my iPhone

    On 27 Apr 2015, at 22:21, Ger Tysk <NoReply_GerTysk@fer3.com> wrote:

    Hello Voyagers!

    Hope your projects are going well so far. I'm writing about my own Voyager project, a photography book/biography about the life of John Manjiro, the first Japanese person to live in America. He came to Fairhaven, Mass aboard the whaleship John Howland, and my voyage aboard the Morgan was to collect material and photographs for this book. He later returned to Japan and was instrumental in the opening of Japan to the West.

    I'm funding the book's publication through Kickstarter, and I'd be grateful if you could visit the page and share the link. Thank you!!!!!!!

    Ger Tysk
    (New Bedford to Mass Maritime)

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