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    Re: Audio Recording on the Morgan
    From: UNK
    Date: 2014 Jul 22, 12:47 -0400
    I hope you solved your microphone problem.  If you get a good recording of the crew hauling a line (heave-and-heave-and..." could you send me a wav or mp3?  I am composing music, and I would like to use that chant to set the cadence of a tune.
    Thanks, and have fun!
    Gary Wikfors
    Stellwagen 1

    From: NoReply_Francomano@fer3.com
    To: gary_wikfors@hotmail.com
    Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 08:21:21 -0700
    Subject: [38Talk] Audio Recording on the Morgan

    Hi All,
    I am going to be on the Boston-Mass Maritime leg this coming week, and I will be recording audio throughout the voyage. I was hoping to use one stationary microphone to record the general soundscape and another that is more portable to capture more detailed samples. However, I only have one portable audio recorder--does anyone have any ideas as to where I might be able to borrow another (something along the lines of the zoom h4)?
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