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    Re: Already arrived at Mass Maritime Academy
    From: UNK
    Date: 2014 Jul 8, 17:22 -0400
    Here's a photo I got of the foremast this morning at sunrise as we were getting ready to board the guests at New Bedford State Pier.


    2014-07-08 16:51 GMT-04:00 Mike Bancroft <NoReply_Bancroft@fer3.com>:
    Captain was trying to time arrival at slack at the CC Canal due to currents.  However, we did have a great untethered sail, wore ship, tacked (which I have never done before on a square rigger) and actually was headed out to sea from New Bedford under sail.  Flew everything but royals and mizzen topsail.  Great time was had by all and the ship sails and responds much better than I imagined.
    Mike Bancroft
    To: mikebancroft@msn.com
    Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2014 10:31:03 -0700
    Subject: [38Talk] Already arrived at Mass Maritime Academy

    Hmm. Today's voyage leg appears to have been short. They were outside the hurricane barrier at New Bedord at about 8:00am and arrived at Mass Maritime a few minutes after noon. Is that right? Were there weather concerns? Or was this always planned as a short leg?
    PS: I owe several long replies on longitude, lunars, original fabric, and more, and I will have time later this afternoon to get back to those topics!
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